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"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much" Hellen Keller


   The situation in Haiti continues to spiral. Within my four years in the country I have personally witnessed the level of gang activity, hunger, extreme poverty, desperation, and a severe shortage of employment and education visibly go from bad to worse.   Haitians are fleeing the country by any method possible.  The Haitian people feel  that the world has completely forgotten them in their suffering.

         The education system in Haiti is in tatters.  Throughout all rural Haiti courageous school directors are struggling to keep K-6 grade schools open. With no public funding, and a severely impoverished  community unable to contribute, they often use much of their own finances to partially pay teachers to continue their important work.  Admist all this chaos, lives a new generation of children , as precious and loved by God as my own children, that desires to live a full and meaningful life.

         How are we as the people of God called to respond?  God is using Instruments of Christ- Haiti (IOCH) to bring the light of Christ and  hope for a better future to many of these children in Haiti.   The primary vision of IOCH is to partner with  Christian directors, teachers and communities so that the education and development of these beautiful Haitian children can continue.  When IOCH directly provides a teachers monthly salary of 10,000 gourdes,  (about 80 USD) it gives meaningful employment for the teacher to care for their family.  The stability of regular monthly salaries for the entire school staff is a lifeline that God is using to encourage and strengthen communities that have nearly lost all hope. 

       IOCH also provides rice for school lunches.  Many children come to school hungry and struggle to learn because their parents cannot feed them at home. The school community comes together to complete the rice  by providing the oil, beans, and labor to cook a much needed meal.   It is extremely important to continue to challenge the parents and community to participate in the children's education however they can. It is the goal of IOCH to bring assistance but never dependency.  The dignity of each Haitian person is at stake. IOCH seeks to uplift and encourage all people to realize their potential to care for themselves, their families, and better their community.  God has not created anyone with the purpose of receiving charity.  The presence of IOCH in each school gives hope that they are not alone in their desire to learn, develop and grow into all that God has created them to be.

           IOCH also provides basic infrastructure to schools as resources allow. Playgrounds, basic electricity through solar, and water filtration systems have been provided for most of IOCH partner schools.  Making paper copies for tests is a major hardship for teachers and directors . IOCH has addressed this need with a single laser copier at IOCH headquarters, providing many thousands of copies to school directors upon request.

          The most important  priority is the regular and accurate presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  All teachers attend semi annual seminars at IOCH headquarters to strengthen their educational skills as well as grow in their ability to accurately communicate to students the love and redemptive power of Christ.

        God is using IOCH to confront the pressing needs of employment, education, hunger and share the hope Christ throughout northern Haiti.  Currently 9 schools, 110 teachers and 1300 students are impacted daily by this work of God.  I have watched in amazement as God has brought together an incredible team of Haitian leaders do the work He has so clearly put before us.  I am blessed by the wisdom and understanding that each member of our team brings to the work of IOCH.

          Regularly,  IOCH recieves requests from new schools in the same desperate situation.  Monthly teachers salaries  (80 USD) and 50 lb bags of rice (30USD) provide a crucial foundation to struggling schools. In several cases already, this support has come just in time for  schools that were out of options and considering shutting their doors permanently. Please consider how you could partner with IOCH ministry to provide this lifeline to directors, teachers and students.   Let us unite as the people of God to work for a better Haiti!


IOCH founder- David Garman


Ausgust 9th- 10th, 2024 Teachers Conference



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